My husband has been away for the last couple of days and hoo boy, the guy sure pulls his weight around here. I didn’t look at the blog yesterday — in fact, I missed turning on my lap top altogether — and there has been some highly interesting posts and comments. I was thinking of elevating the discussion but I don’t think I have the mental capacity at this point. So here is a highly educating account of a discussion I had with my two oldest while washing dishes:
Oldest daughter (grade 7): We had Health class today.
Me: Oh yeah? What do you learn in Health class?
Oldest son (grade 6), interrupting: We learn about sanitary diapers in Health class.
Me: Aren’t boys and girls separated for Health class?
Oldest son, shaking head in consternation: no
Me: Can you tell me why grade 6 boys need to learn about sanitary napkins?
Oldest son: Uh… So they’ll know what to buy their wives once they’re married? Say mom, does dad ever buy you the wrong kind?
Me: I buy my own, thank you very much. What about you, oldest daughter, are boys and girls separated for Health class?
Oldest daughter: Yes, thank God. The girls talked about puberty but the boys were too immature to talk about puberty so they got the talk on nutrition and the Canadian food guide…
Me: Great. Can you bring back any hand-outs you receive in that class? I want to make sure they teach you the right things about sex.
Oldest daughter: Yes, my homeroom teacher said she wanted us to use the right vocabulary when talking about sex.
Me: I’m not so concerned about how they teach you to talk about private parts. I’m concerned about how they teach you to use them.
Oldest daughter: Mom, what’s herpes?
Me: Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. I don’t remember it’s symptoms but you can avoid it by not having sex.
Oldest daughter: It can be transmitted to babies…
Oldest son, interrupting again: Why would babies have sex???
See, I had this plan about keeping my kids no older than 6 years of age. But I keep feeding them and they keep growing. The task of raising kids healthy in mind and body sure seems overwhelming at times.

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