I am not sure if I’m reading the tone in, but this doesn’t read as the honouring obituary Heather Stilwell most certainly deserves. Heather Stilwell was an anti-abortion activist, a Surrey, British Columbia school trustee and a mother of eight, who passed away of breast cancer at the age of 66 this past weekend.
I interviewed Heather over the phone once for my story on sex selection abortion:
Heather Stilwell noticed something strange was going on in her hometown of Surrey, B.C. A school trustee for Surrey District No. 36 for 12 years now, one of Stilwell’s personal causes has been to promote literacy among kids. On her own time and her own dime, she sews bookbags for kindergartners, using wholesale or donated fabric, and stuffs them with books. The girls like Wemberley Worried, tales of an apprehensive mouse. The boys, usually anything to do with dinosaurs. She estimates she’s given out about 5,000 of these gifts since she started.
In recent years, Stilwell realized that she’d been having to make more and more of the plaid or striped bags she gives out to the boys, and fewer of the pink floral bags for the girls. More dinosaur books, fewer Wemberleys. She can’t put her finger on why, but the boy-girl ratio seems to be increasingly out of whack. “The numbers look pretty skewed to me,” she says. She’s sure of one thing: “[There’re] more boys.”
As it turns out, Stilwell is right.
I remember she spoke out on this politically incorrect topic willingly. I remember being surprised that she was happy to go on the record. So many, on such a topic, would not have been. So she struck me as being a courageous and confident lady. Very pro-woman. And very pro-life, as it turns out, though I didn’t know it at the time I interviewed her.
I’m sure she contributed to her community in countless other ways, but this was the one contact I had with her. And as I wrote above, Heather was right about her feeling that there were more boys than girls in the classrooms. So too, will history judge her right in her support of the unborn, though she may not have won the battle while she walked this earth. May her family find peace at this difficult time.

Sad news. I remember she was president of Alliance for Life, and my mother would get the quarterly Pro-Life News throughout the 1980s, which contained Heather’s columns, as well as worldwide abortion-related news, how Canada’s MPs voted on the issue. It made quite an impression on me.
Heather Stilwell will be remembered as a stalwart pro-life woman who not only talk the talk, but walked the walk. Heather did not pay lip service to the pro-life pro-family cause she was a lightening rod for the issues in her province. Read about her presence on the Surrey School board at http://www.lifesitenews.net