Bet you thought the post title was an attempt to be provocative. Well, I’m just citing the latest German condom ad, as it turns out. Phewf?
The message: Use a condom, and be sure you’re not bringing the next Osama bin Laden, Adolf Hitler or Mao Zedong into the world. Of course, you’d have to sleep with one of those three to risk that—and I imagine most would abstain, especially in the case of Hitler, since he’s been dead for almost 65 years.
This could be the one condom campaign that actually works–because after thinking about producing a dictator like Hitler, people will simply stop having sex.
(h/t Sobering Thoughts)
Tanya adds: I don’t know. If people stop having sex, wouldn’t that be bad for the condom industry?
Andrea adds: Counterintuitive, Tanya, I know. But “let’s avoid making another Mao” isn’t exactly what I’d call a turn on.

Do you remember back when you could ride the subway and not see ads for condoms, contraceptives, STDs (or whatever they’re calling them these days), and gay sex lines?
I can picture the horny, teenage male’s response now: “C’mon, baby, you know I don’t like condoms… Hitler was an artist, too! And a vegetarian! That’s cool, right?”
Also, I’m confused. Don’t the makers of that ad know that Mao’s dead, too? And probably bin Laden…