Apparently, so says the Internet, a couple is allowing you to vote on whether or not they should abort their child by creating a web site called
So in September, they created the website and have posted about their unborn baby boy, providing health updates, ultrasound pictures, and even videos. They’ve also provided readers with a choice via a poll on the upper right of the site: “Should We Give Birth or Have an Abortion?” As of publication, the “Give Birth” option leads the “Have an Abortion” 54.54% to 45.46%.
(One of the posts shows a ten minute ultrasound. Is it a pro-life ploy?)
The Internet is a strange place. And the world is full of strange people. I’m inclined to ignore such a thing, as it is the very worst of all worlds–voting on the life of this little one whose heart they ask me to watch beating.

Jill Stanek has some info posted about when this couple bought the domain that they are using and the dates don’t jive with what they are doing. She too thinks thi is a scam. Incredible what some people spend their time doing.