An ad in today’s Hill Times asks for a review of how the Order of Canada Advisory Council works. Wouldn’t we all like to know.
As an aside, just found out two of my favourite historians are members: Michael Bliss and Michael Marrus. (Yes indeed, I have “favourite historians” and a growing collection of signed books. Imagine how lucky a girl is when she has signed copies of books by Martin Gilbert and Norman Davies. But I digress.)
Here’s the problem–Bliss and Marrus deserve real honour. Michael Bliss never taught me, Professor Marrus did, and his was easily one of the best classes I ever took in five years at UofT. Thing is, he was a stickler for using the right words…
Could he possibly think that Morgentaler getting this award for “health care” is accurate? That supporting “a woman’s right to choose” for all its “truthiness,” makes any sense at all?
Frank Ruffolo says
Has there ever before been any other Order of Canada receipient that has had 100 Members of Parliament oppose that person receiving Canada’s highest civilian award?
If a third of the sitting Members of Parliament that are the duly elected representatives of Canadians from coast to coast to coast do not agree with this award receipient how can an Advisory Council continue to go against the wishes of so many Members of the Canadian Parliament elected by the people of Canada for the people of Canada?