I am genuinely horrified by female circumcision. So this article about Liberia attempting to correct this barbaric practice is good. Reading here:
In the meantime, the ritual continues to kill. Girls perish from prolonged bleeding or from the dangerous use of unsterilized blades in the ritual ceremony. “Sometimes it’s unsafe because they use the same instrument for other women, and they keep it for years,” said Kulah Borbor, a 46-year-old woman who underwent the procedure as an adolescent. “Sometimes they make a mistake and they cut where they shouldn’t cut. You bleed and bleed, and sometimes you die because no medical person is there. You see women running around and looking for help, but there is no help.” … In Liberia’s rural villages, female circumcision is rarely questioned. Leaders of the secret society become angry when they are asked about it. “It’s our culture,” said Yamah Augustine, leader of the Sande Society in a village called Nimba Point. “Our grandparents did it,” she said. “Even if the president says we should abandon it, we won’t abandon it. Nobody can ask me about my culture.”
I picture some advocating for making the practice safe. Where else have we heard the argument that if women are certainly going to do it anyway, it should at least be safe?
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