A translation of a short article published in yesterday’s La Presse:
Julie, in her early thirties, should have given birth to her third child in the middle of winter. Instead, she went to the hospital in the fall. Her daughter was born but never lived…
You think miscarriage or premature delivery followed by death. But the article continues:
Faced with a pessimistic diagnosis, Julie and her husband decided to end the pregnancy after 5 months. While she is certain she made the right decision, Julie is nonetheless overcome by a profound distress…
No kidding. This is turning the old “How can it be wrong if it feels so right?” on its head. Please help me find other examples of right decisions causing profound distress because as things are now, I feel like abortion activists have successfully taken over the minds of Canadians.
That nagging feeling of distress, could it possibly be your conscience telling you that terminating a disabled life was likely a selfish decision based on your needs rather than compassion for the child?
Andrea adds: The Thought Police have been out and at ’em…for years… “Your decision is right, your decision is right. Because it was your choice and it was therefore right. And abortion is a right. And right. Thank you for listening and please don’t reflect on any profound distress you may be feeling.” (This decades-long public service announcement is brought to you by assorted pro-abortion groups.)

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