A Lifesite editorial here comments on the recent Hastings Center Report on infant euthanasia in the Netherlands. This point struck me as interesting:
What [pro-lifers] seem to have failed to recognize, therefore, at least with the necessary clarity, is that the humanity or inhumanity of the fetus is often no longer the issue – at least, not within the elite spheres of the pro-death movement…
Agreed. I once interviewed a woman working in an abortion clinic. Our conversation became more heated (not good) and I spluttered something along these lines of “Don’t you know what the fetus is?” She in turn rolled her eyes at me and said “Of course. You think I don’t know? You think women don’t know?”
So it was then that I realized there are two types of pro-choice people: Those who naively believe the fetus is not a person until a certain magical moment in gestation and those who know the fetus is human from day one but don’t care. (They also get touchy on the terms “person” versus “human” but that’s the substance of a different post. The fetus is human because it’s not animal or mineral, but a person? That’s a whole different ballgame. )

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