…then I can think of ways to help:
Couples struggling to conceive are about to get financial help from the Quebec government, as the province becomes the first jurisdiction in North America to pay for fertility treatments. Health Minister Yves Bolduc announced Tuesday the launch of a provincial plan that will cover up to three cycles of in-vitro fertilization, starting on Aug. 5. Bolduc anticipates 3,500 fertilization cycles will be administered this year at a cost of more than $25 million. That figure could reach $63 million by 2013-2014. “It’s good for Quebec because it will increase the birth rate,” Bolduc said.
I expect a defunding of abortion to follow very, very shortly. Don’t all jump at once, now.

It makes sense that the gov’t [pays parents to conceive, since the gov’t seems to believe it has parental rights over all Quebec’s children!
It’s not just about getting people to breed for the sake of the economy – it’s about getting the right people to breed.
High-income stable families, with the time and financial resources to raise a child for at least eighteen years? Good.
Single parents, unstable partnerships and couples working minimum wage? Bad.
Quebec is desperate to prop up their aging and diminishing Franco-phone population. As Mark Steyn predicts, they will implode, since their birth rate now predicts that their population will be cut in half in two generations.
Yet the politicians won’t talk about this, out of fear of women’s rights groups. So the immigration of baby-producing Muslims will continue and Quebec will have to figure out how to remain Quebec without all those native-born French people.
They have their heads in the sand, even more than other provinces and countries.