Just a question. Here’s the exchange, quoted from this article:
‘I’m like a newborn baby,’ Dr. Henry Morgentaler told the CBC’s Evan Solomon about surviving a recent stroke and heart operation. ‘I enjoy being alive.’ The irony wasn’t lost on Solomon, who then asked the Canadian abortion doctor ‘how does a guy who’s seen so much death (in Auschwitz and Dachau, where he was imprisoned as a youngster) fight for a cause which many people believe is a form of killing?’
‘I won’t deny there’s an inconsistency,’ Morgentaler answered. ‘Maybe I’ve deluded myself.’
Important update: This from John Jalsevac writing in from Lifesite-
byUnfortunately the author of the Starphoenix piece where you got this from rather irresponsibly pulled the quotation from Morgentaler in this interview WAY out of context. When Morgentaler admitted that there may have been an “inconsistency” and that he may have “deluded himself”, he wasn’t speaking about abortion at all. By that point in the interview, which comes some 15 minutes or so after Solomon asks this question about the holocaust and Morgentaler’s choice for a cause, they are talking about Morgentaler’s treatment of women. Morgentaler admits that his philandering ways may not be consistent with the love and concern he professes for the female sex on the whole. He’s not expressing doubts about abortion.
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