We are creatures of control. I want to get married at this time, with this job and with this amount of money. I want to know where I’m going and with who. I want XX number of children, spaced YY years apart. I want to be comfortable. I want to be the master of my destiny. I don’t want to have to iron out uncomfortable wrinkles, I want to throw out the whole cloth. We are wholly and completely unprepared for anything that throws us for a loop, be it materially or emotionally.
This used to be called selfish, but today it’s called empowerment.
Those are my thoughts on this article about normalizing mothers who abort.

Wanting to give already born children ‘everything in the world’ is really a poor parenting goal. Tons of families have little and give their children love and assurance that will help them have great lives. The children may not have ‘everything in the world’ but they do have what is truly important. Aborting one’s baby will neither get ‘everything in the world’ nor what is truly important. To choose to abort one’s baby because one think’s it will help to get ‘everything in the world’ is sad and faulty reasoning on top of a poor parenting goal.