Abby Johnson (quit Planned Parenthood after watching an abortion through ultrasound) on what Planned Parenthood does not want employees to see:
If clinic workers saw what was happening on that screen, they would be running out of those clinics. This is what the abortion industry does not want their workers to see. They don’t want their workers to see what’s actually happening during an abortion. That’s why Planned Parenthood doesn’t do, that’s why so many of these large abortion industries don’t do ultrasound-guided abortion procedures. They don’t want people to see what’s really happening in the woman’s womb.
Brigitte couldn’t agree more: And here’s a link to a video of an abortion at 11 weeks. Warning: It is not for the faint of heart. But I hereby challenge every person who is either in favour of abortion or indifferent to it to watch it. It shows exactly what it is that you support and if you can’t bring yourself to watch it, why are you in favour of it?

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