But in a church, it’s called a marketing ploy. Figures.
Ed Young wants married couples to have sex all week long. Once a day. Beginning this Sunday. The call to action will headline Mr. Young’s Sunday sermon at Grapevine-based Fellowship Church…
Jim Dale of Coppell said he figures the pastor is trying to create more buzz for his five-church mega-ministry. “Draw ’em in, no matter what or how,” wrote the Coppell resident in a posting on dallasnews.com. “Sex? You betcha. That’ll pack the pews (or theater seats).”
Alas, church is supposed to be boring and stale. One is only supposed to hear drawn out liturgy about who begat whom. And, for Pete’s sake, if the subject of sex is to come up, it should only be to tell people to repent from having it.
If — aside from what I instill in her — my kid learns about sex from school, television, the internet, highway billboards, fashion magazines, music videos, movies, and that extreme PDA couple on the bus every afternoon, I sure hope the church won’t be silent on the topic.

Get with the times! You need to read a little of John Paul II’s”Theology of the Body”. Christopher West has a pretty good ‘for beginners’ version. (Also a podcast for teens)
Bottom line…sex is all good, as part of God’s plan, very disappointing when ignoring its source and purpose. Ecstasy and self-giving vs self-interest and usury.