The murder trial of Scott Roeder, the man who killed abortionist George Tiller is on, in Kansas. I’m not sure who fears violence from this trial more–the reporter or the public. Read “Some fear abortion ruling could spur violence” here. (I think it’s the reporter, who has managed to find the two sources on the planet who agree.)
By the by, everytime I post about Tiller, a blogger sends creepy comments to this site about following pro-lifers home to kill them in the privacy of their own homes. So clearly this is an inflammatory topic–and there are crazy people out there. We don’t need reporters fanning the flames.
Bob Devine says
I would sure like to get a look inside that judges head. This is about as cut and dried premeditated murder as you can get. I feel the edge of a very slippery slope here.
Suricou Raven says
I can make a few guesses, Bob:
– The higher profile this gets, the better my career prospects.
– That’s an innovative defence. Rubbish, but innovative. I should let him at least make a try of it rather than dismiss it out of hand.
– That defence is stupid, but I can’t find a legally valid reason not to let him make a try of it.
– If I get this laughed out of court today, then it’ll never be used by another murderer.
– It’ll be fun to see which organisations support this defence.
Andrea Mrozek says
I feel it worthwhile to note, since this has never happened before, that I agree with you, Suricou, on this one. Mark your calendars, folks, and join me in singing a round of Kumbaya.