I sound dogmatic, yes. Dogmatic with a pinch of winsome? Come on. We all know abortion is wrong. And immoral is just another word for wrong:
On the other side, for those who consider abortion immoral, no boundaries are absolute enough. “If I ever found myself on the Hill advocating for a reduction in abortion time limits from 24 weeks to 22 or whatever, that I can’t stomach, [and] that’s where the debate is at in so many places in this world,” says Andrea Mrozek. It’s why she founded Ottawa-based ProWomanProLife, an advocacy group that seeks to end abortion without relying on laws that are, she believes, always problematic.
I also started PWPL to represent all the women currently chiming in over here. Sounds like there’s tremendous support for defunding this particular form of birth control… And for a women’s march. Hmmmm….

10 points for your winsomeness. It’s a great comment. There are so many debates (like those in the UK) that simply move the bar of when a baby is considered ‘alive’ or ‘human’ simply based on the medical advances that allow it to live outside the womb earlier. This bar, with further advances, will continue to shift. So with that said, how can they base an absolute on something so variable?
PS. I’d be happy to organize the Nova Scotia leg of the PWPL march!
… “[S]he founded Ottawa-based ProWomanProLife, advocacy group that seeks to end abortion without relying on laws that are, she believes, always problematic.”
Laws are always problematic? That just depends on what kind of laws we are looking at.
Laws against murder are problematic, when they are not being enforced. Do we need them at all? Can’t we just rely on the basic goodness of men and women, and abolish them? Yes, we can! If, that is to say, we want to invite a catastrophe such as, for example, abortion.
We need laws to extinguish abortion. The very existence of PWPL is a proof of that. The goodness and reasonableness of man is a utopian fantasy. As all utopias, it has proven deadly.
Midas, abortion has been documented well into ancient times. Whether abortion is banned or is not banned does not necessarily prevent it from happening. Would it be nice if it was illegal? Definitely, but it is also crucial to convince women that it is not in their/our best interest, let alone their child’s, convince them to address the issues that make them consider it as an option in the first place. Andrea made a good point about legislation awhile back in ‘When laws are not enough’ about the number of abortions in Spain, even given its tougher criteria on legal abortion.
About that March–
Is there any plans for the prolife community to picket when the G8 comes to meet? I’d hate to think that we missed that opportunity, especially given the realms of protesters that typically greet the G8 nations whenever there is a summit.