Elizabeth from Prince Edward Island wrote in to our site with this comment. We don’t normally publish comments as posts, but we are making an exception for this one, as Elizabeth doesn’t likely have much time before her friend goes and gets an abortion. If you want to offer your advice to her, we’ll forward it on, and publish the best comments at the end of the week, as usual.
I just found your website today and I really appreciate everything that you are doing.
I recently graduated from university and this story from York U aptly illustrates what pro-life students must face. Our views are considered on par with Holocaust deniers, white supremecists and wife beaters.
I live on Prince Edward Island, where you cannot get an abortion on demand. You must travel to New Brunswick and convince a panel of doctors why you should have one. Abortion Rights advocates habitually decry this situation as a violation of a women’s human rights. Myself, I am extremely proud of this situation and hope that it my province continues to stand out in North America as a place where babies are not killed.
Having to leave the Island to get an abortion requires women to put additional thought into their choice and really consider what they are doing.
A friend of my roomate (who lives in another country) is currently planning on an abortion. She originally was going to have the child, but is now worried it will jeopardize her relationship with the father.
I would like to try and convince this woman to change her mind and keep the child, as I doubt she would regret it, but my pro-choice roomate is against this and said she would be angry if I interfered. She does not believe this woman is mature enough or ready for parenthood.
What do people on this site think? Should I try and interfere? I just think that she would never regret giving birth, even if she ultimately chooses adoption. And can you imagine meeting the person whose life you saved?

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