It’s Canada Day–but hard for some of us to celebrate. Here’s the latest story on the Morgentaler Order of Canada saga.
Brigitte shakes her head in dismay: Amazing. Not that supporters (including in government, in the GG’s office and at the Supreme Court) of Dr. Morgentaler would continue to push for their hero to be honoured no matter what kind of opposition his nomination invariably generates. That I can understand; if you believe abortion is a good thing, then obviously Dr. Morgentaler is your hero and you want him rewarded for what he’s done. What I don’t understand is this tone of shocked surprise at the discovery that not everybody in Canada believes abortion to be a good thing. I read that Globe article and found myself wondering whether the authors had ever even met a reasonable and articulate pro-lifer; the piece read like something meant to explain an unaccountably bizarre human ritual to visiting aliens.
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