It still is, if you are counting out the Twelve Days of Christmas, anyway.
A pretty great New York Times article about the reason for the season. If you are Christian, a great reminder. If you are not, it’s a moment to reflect on what Christianity brought the world, whether or not Christians practice this well or poorly.
byChristians have often fallen short of what followers of Jesus are called to be. We have seen this in the Crusades, religious wars and bigotry; in opposition to science, in the way critical thought is discouraged and in harsh judgmentalism. To this day, many professing Christians embody the antithesis of grace.
We Christians would do well to remind ourselves of the true meaning of the incarnation. We are part of a great drama that God has chosen to be a participant in, not in the role of a conquering king but as a suffering servant, not with the intention to condemn the world but to redeem it. He saw the inestimable worth of human life, regardless of social status, wealth and worldly achievements, intelligence or national origin. So should we.
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