In an increasingly secular environment, the world turns to the ethicist to determine what is morally “right” and what is “wrong”. This is why the voices of individuals like Peter Singer, the Australian ethicist who argues for the rights of parents and doctors to kill already born children, aren’t simply echoes in academic ivory towers but rather a very real and tangible societal culling song. In this article the author Stella Young, a sufferer of Osteogenesis Imperfecta, makes her case against Peter Singer.
byFor me, Singer’s views about the hypothetical are not hypothetical at all. While he may see value in the life I’m living now, and may even treat me as an equal, he still believes that on the balance of things, parents and doctors should be given the choice to end lives like mine before they get tricky. For me, and for many other people with disabilities, it’s personal.
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