Recently, Nebraska failed to pass its legislation requiring higher standards of practice for abortion clinics, but where Nebraska has failed, Virginia has prevailed.
Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli issued a legal opinion yesterday that empowers the Virginia Board of Health to require women’s health clinics that offer abortion procedures to meet hospital-like standards.
The new regulations will cover medical investigating to rule out coerced abortion and statutory rape possibilities prior to an abortion. It is up to the Health Board now to enforce them.
The reason for the many inconsistencies in patient treatment at abortion clinics versus those in a hospital is down to the fact that abortion is considered an out-patient procedure. So, like getting Botox injections on your lunch break, it’s too simple and quick a procedure to require all the paperwork, patient screening and face time with medical staff. The difference is the effects of Botox wear off over a few months.
Clinics view these regulations as an attempt to close them down, but the arguments for them consider how these patients’ lives will be effected physically and mentally after the procedure. Hospitals are required to know their patients’ history, and they are held accountable for a failure to do so. There is no reason an abortion clinic shouldn’t be required to do the same.

How exactly does a medical investigation consider the possibility of coerced abortion? Even if there is evidence of it, I don’t see what a doctor can do if the patient wishes to keep quiet without violating patient confidentiality. Doctors really hate to do that – it undermines the trust patients place in them.
When reading anything relating to abortion – anything at all – I think it is important to read about it both from the pro-life and pro-choice sides. You can’t get the full picture from reading just one, because they both *lie*. A lot. Both are so unshakeably convinced of their moral superiority that they will lie, cheat, play political games and do whatever it takes to get their idea of the right outcome to prevail.
So here is the pro-choice perspective for you: