We will never – EVER – do anything as crazy as this. That’s a promise.
The founder of the world’s largest animal rights organization wants to give Canada’s parliamentarians an earful, in a bizarre online will.
Ingrid Newkirk, founder and president of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), said that upon her death, she wants one of her ears “removed, mounted” and sent to Ottawa to help the government “in hearing, for the first time perhaps, the screams of the seals, bears, raccoons, foxes and minks bludgeoned, trapped and sometimes skinned alive for their pelts.”
Andrea adds: You know, there are moments when people give animal rights activists more sympathy than human rights (pro-life) activists, hence People for the Ethical Treatment of People (buy a shirt).
This is not one of them. That’s just disturbed, and I’m quite sure most will view it that way.
Rebecca says: You know, I completely agree that cruelty to animals is wrong. One of the theories about the laws of kosher food is that the complicated rules mandate humane slaughter and make us aware that, even as we consume meat, we have to remember it came from a living animal. Jewish law emphasizes animal rights in other ways – meat that is hunted is never kosher, because we’re not meant to take pleasure in killing animals. (Note: I’m not anti-hunting. NRA enthusiasts, please keep your fan mail to yourselves.) And one of the things that is permitted on the Sabbath, when almost any form of work is forbidden, is feeding livestock and caring for them.
But the solution to the very real cruelty to animals that does go on is NOT to treat human life as cheaply as animal life. That’s what Newkirk is trying to convey, but the effect of saying “a dog is a rat is a boy” is to demean humans, not uplift animals. This also applies to PETA’s offensive KFC/Holocaust ads.

Hmm, I think that package will get a big ol’ stamp on it when it arrives in Ottawa someday: “RETURN TO SENDER”.