This petition came to me via Alberta Pro-Life:
Today, MP Stephen Woodworth has bravely called on Parliament to address the issue of abortion. It is already all over the news. Our Parliament may not want to touch the issue, but the reality is that we are one of the few countries in the entire world (along with China and North Korea) that have no abortion legislation. Day after day children are being killed. It doesn’t stop around Christmas.
Take Action: Add your voice to this! Click here for a petition calling on Parliament to restrict abortion to the greatest extent possible. Please print off extra copies and distribute them at your school, church, business, and elsewhere. Also, please forward this to your contacts and other pro-life organizations, encouraging them to do the same. The petitions can then be submitted to your local MP (no need to have hundreds of signatures – they can read them in Parliament with as few as 25). Even if your MP is pro-abortion you can still give them the petition and ask him or her to read it in Parliament as your elected representative. We need a loud and clear voice from Canadians in defence of those who have no voice.
We know you are busy this Christmas but please make time to protect the innocent children being killed in our country. Don’t wait. Print the petition off now, circulate it, and then send it to your MP because we must act now.
The way I see it, any time is a good time to discuss the collective insanity that brings us abortion on demand, and petitions like this provide another opportunity.

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