Seems like there are a lot of law suits against Planned Parenthood these days. This one is particularly sad. But what’s a woman to make of this statement from Planned Parenthood?
Planned Parenthood Metropolitan has denied the injuries suffered and the infertility of Shantese Butler. In addition, they state in their answer that Butler’s claims are barred by the doctrines of informed consent and assumption of risk.
The average Canadian woman’s response will, with all seriousness be this: What? There are risks to having an abortion?
This and this imply all legal abortions are safe. This makes it clear that childbirth is more dangerous. (And certainly bearing children has its risks, but is it fair to weigh bringing life into the world against killing?) Cautionary information is so rare on so-called pro-choice sites as to be imaginary. In this notion called being pro-choice, there seem to be strong elements that encourage women to have abortions. I think this is because it’s hard for women to abort their children–it better be physically risk-free, otherwise women wouldn’t so easily choose it.
Informed consent is not the friend of the pro-abortion movement.

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