If I were Garson Romalis, I would want to make a really strong case for why dismembering 18-week-old babies isn’t wrong. He does it, here. I was going to transcribe this talk because I heard it live.
What struck me when I heard him was his tone of condescending superiority: His is the only speciality, he says, where women say “Thank you for what you do.” Excuse me? Really? Ever seen someone suffering from cancer and seen a doctor do all he could to save her? Ever seen a psychiatrist visiting patients on Christmas Eve, when he himself should be home with his family? Ever witnessed a family doc squeeze an extra patient in his day, because a patient called in desperate pain and needed to be checked out?
All Romalis knows is abortion. Instead of helping women, he puts them under the knife and sends them packing into the great silent beyond. For his two heart-wrenching anecdotes of women suffering, there are thousands more suffering today, the direct result of his actions. Only he doesn’t speak for them. Who does, is the question, really. Who does?
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