Home sick the past couple of days, I’ve been turning on the TV at odd hours, when I normally wouldn’t. (There are some amazing products out there, let me tell you—products that will change my life, make me lose weight, help me clean, make my workouts 97 per cent more effective! Once I get out of the house, I’m going to be a different woman, let me tell you, but that’s not my point right now.) So. Five am, TVO seems to be profiling teachers. It’s “circle time,” and we see a teacher sitting with a group of kids—I’m going to guess their age was about grade three or four. “So we have ageism, sexim, racism,” says the teacher, “classism, faithism? (not sure if I heard that correctly)…” and a couple more “isms”—her list was pretty long. They’re creating a safe environment, together, says she.
Homeschooling, anyone?

1: Discrimination towards a person or group of people solely dependent on their faith, beliefs or religion.
In my experience, atheists are the biggest practisers of “faithism”: ie. all Christians are idiots and homophobes.
what was the name of the TVO show??
From what I could tell, James, it wasn’t a full program, but rather an interlude of sorts that featured different teachers. On the other hand, it may have been a program; but it was very early and I wasn’t feeling well! (so sorry, I can’t say.)