Folks who persist in believing that pro-lifers in general and me in specific want to “punish women for having sex” are alive and well. (Just see Huff Post commentors on any pro-life post for unhinged and unjustified canards.)
That this doesn’t even remotely connect with the pro-life mentality is clear.
For starters, pro-lifers don’t view a baby as a punishment. It’s fanatical pro-choicers who do. Abortion gets rid of this punishment, this raining on their parade by an angry lightbolt throwing god.
Secondly, there is not any concept of “punishing women” in the pro-life movement. When there is responsibility to be taken, pro-lifers want men and women to share it equally, understanding that sex is not done alone.
Pro-lifers are guilty as charged when it comes to being realistic. We understand–and accept–the basics of the world. If dark clouds cross the sky, it is likely to rain. If the car runs out of gas, it is going to stop. If we add baking soda to vinegar it will make one of those volcano science projects you did in grade school. If sperm meets egg at a particular time of the month for women, it may make a baby.
This is no one’s fault. Neither is it anyone’s “punishment.” It simply is.
That’s why I like this legalese post from Secular Pro-Life Perspectives. It’s smart. It’s reasonable. It’s the opposite of Huff post commentators. Read and enjoy.
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