From a friend. An exhibit well worth attending!
You are invited to attend an exhibit about a remarkable French scientist, Jérome Lejeune, “a father of modern genetics” who in the 1960’s discovered the trisomy 21chromosome, the cause of Down syndrome. The exhibit will tell the story of the technical challenges of making the discovery in the very early days of human genetics, how the discovery led Lejeune to value and love his patients even more, and the impact his discovery and subsequent choices had on his scientific career.
The exhibit will be held at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ottawa, in the Atrium of the Roger Guindon building (451 Smyth Road, Ottawa K1N 6N5) behind the Ottawa General Hospital), from January 29 to January 31.
A discussion panel will be held on Thursday January 29 at 7pm featuring Dr. Mark Basik fro McGill University, Dr. Lise Poirier-Groulx from the University of Ottawa, and Dr. Emanuela Ferretti also from the University of Ottawa.
More background information on Lejeune can be found here.

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