What with the Olympics and all, it it always a good time to remember the brutality of Chinese Communism:
Arzigul Tursun, six months pregnant with her third child, is under guard in a hospital in China’s northwestern Xinjiang region, scheduled to undergo an abortion against her will because authorities say she is entitled to only two children, according to the Uyghur Human Rights Project.
Rebecca asks: Why is this woman not eligible for refugee status somewhere in the civilized world?
HAPPY UPDATE: It appears she has been released – without having to undergo the abortion – because of international pressure.

Almost as disturbing as the article itself are some of the comments defending the Chinese government or saying that “we” should keep our noses out of other countries’ business.
So much for “choice.”
In effect Obama will be supporting this atrocity that the Chinese government is threatening if his promise to begin refunding the UN for their population control programme is realized. Forced abortion has been part of the Chinese one-child- family policy for years now – it’s nothing new. With enough of an outcry in the world who knows things may begin to change in China … or with Obama’s ideas on funding anti-life projects and laws. Talk about sticking your nose in another country’s business … Obama would be putting his money (the U.S.’s money) on the abortion ticket in every country in the world by supporting the UN on poulation control. I agree – So much for “choice”.
Disgusting!! I can’t imagine the trauma that poor mother went through. How can anyone support this?