The abortion debate really need not be a battle between the right and the left. The lot of us agree on human rights, and a segment of the population believes human rights should begin when human life begins. Polls show that most Canadians, both those who situate themselves on the right and the left, want restrictions on abortion access in Canada. I think we have more in common than not.
This writer shares that her mother found herself pregnant in college and that…
Given the information she had at the time, given the fact that she was so close to finishing school, and given MY secular, liberal worldview… I have no doubt at all that if I had been my mother, there would have been no me.
Something to consider, isn’t it? Yet the writer seems to remain pro-choice.

I look at that ultrasound and consider how welcomed, how excited people are when they want the baby; how they aren’t when they don’t–and nothing at all changed about who is in the photograph. I know, I know, not a new thought but it did hit me afresh just now. It is the powerful exercising their power over the powerless in this world today.