So often, it’s not the pregnancy that’s the problem. In this depressing article from England, it’s binge drinking, followed by one night stands, followed by deep regret, sometimes followed by pregnancy and then abortion. I suppose you could say “it could happen to anyone” but it’s happening more and more, which makes for a trend, which means we are raising our girls wrong. Bigger problems.

A math prof here in Halifax, who is American, got his degree in the US and began teaching there told me, that he noticed things change dramatically in the mid 80’s. What he noticed was binge drinking. It seemed to begin then and just grew. Big problem with university students, they don’t seem to have much else to do on weekends. The liquor store closest to the university here is packed with students on Fridays and Saturdays, filling up with their requirements for a “good weekend.” I always wonder how many pregnancies are going to result after these weekends. Yup, something is definitely wrong with this picture.
Interesting, Julie. I wonder how many university profs would say the same, or would have noticed a difference. Binge drinking was certainly part of the university culture when I went, though mine was the one of the first frosh week to have a couple of dry events. Those dry events were popular, fun and followed up by plenty more… you guessed it…drinking.