Update on a sad case:
“Life sentence for woman who killed autistic child”
The actions of Xuan “Linda” Peng that caused the death of her daughter Scarlett were “reprehensible” said Superior Court Justice Mary Lou Benotto during the sentencing hearing.
“Scarlett was particularly vulnerable,” said Judge Benotto, who ruled that Peng must spend at least 10 years in prison before she can apply for parole after being convicted of second-degree murder this month.
I can’t help but note that if Scarlett had been killed while in the womb, nobody would have cared.
Tanya shakes her head: I can’t help but add that this woman, who maintains her innocence, is likely already in a prison far worse than the iron bars she’ll stare through for at least 10 years. With a history of mental illness, and apparently heavily medicated during her trial, 10 years in prison will do little to “reform” her. Are we not failing to meet the needs of yet another woman in this country?
Andrea adds: Hate to be the heavy, but a life sentence for killing your child sounds about right to me. This is precisely what Robert Latimer did, and I advocated for him to remain behind bars for the statement it makes. I am not saying I think their situations are exactly the same: I just don’t know, because I know few details about Linda Peng. But on the face of it–the punishment fits the crime.

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