At CPAC last week, Brian Lilley interviewed Live Action President Lila Rose. Rose talks about the gruesome nature of late-term abortions, the women who die from them, and how pro-choice activists argue for “safe” abortions but fight every single proposed bill or measure that would raise the standard of care at abortion clinics.
I do think a number of people who hold themselves out as pro-choice (to whatever extent) would support measures that would raise the standard of care at abortions clinics. But I think they get shouted down or shouted out by the pro-choice activists who see any measure that would better protect women having abortions as an attack on “women’s rights” – even if those measures protected women from harm, or death.
Julie Culshaw says
One thing you can do is ask a pro-choicer if they will work to reduce the number of abortions. Give them some examples, and I bet they will back out of saying that they think that abortion should not occur. There seems to be no abortion that they will not support, because it would mean going against some woman’s choice. Choice trumps everything in this case.