I copied the blog post’s title right off the National Post website. I couldn’t have made it up.
Here are some good letters to the editor regarding the story of MP Stephen Woodworth being drowned out by the Vagina Warriors.
Not only did the Vagina Warriors, including Mr. Ethan Jackson, a 21 year old art student who calls his vagina costume Vulveta, demonstrate a total lack of understanding of the concept of free expression, but they made poor Mrs. Betty Hansford (her letter below) thankful that she’s “going out of this word and not coming in.” That’s quite a feat, indeed, oh Vagina Warriors.
The recent absurdities put on display by pro-choice demonstrators at the University of Waterloo go beyond pathetic. I respect the fact there are a divergence of views on this topic, but seriously, dressing up in vagina costumes and impeding someone’s freedom of speech isn’t going to get you anywhere. As an advocate for pre-born human rights I actually quite enjoy the attention these “vagina warriors” are receiving, as I assume there aren’t too many Canadians who would identify with their blatant objectification of women.
One of the reasons fetal rights has become a more acceptable topic on the public agenda in recent months is due to a growing understanding among Canadians that the tired rhetoric is simply that – rhetoric. As the discussion continues to become focused on the real issue, namely, “what are the pre-born?” we are witnessing a transformation whereby there is a strengthening sense of urgency to deal with what is clearly an egregious human rights violation against vulnerable members of the human family.
As hard as they try, the “vagina warriors” no longer define the terms of the debate. For that Canadians can be thankful.
Mike Schouten, campaign director, WeNeedaLAW.ca, Surrey, B.C.
Thank you for the entertaining article by Joseph Brean on the disruption of MP Stephen Woodworth’s talk at the University of Waterloo. Such assaults on free speech are all too common on our campuses and are normally to be deplored; in this case however, I think the situation was redeemed, in a comic sense, by the fervent declamation of the “woman in red” regarding “the anatomical jewel.” You really couldn’t make stuff like that up. I wonder what courses she has been taking, and if her professors are pleased with their efforts.
Bruce Walton, Ottawa.
Never have I read anything so disgusting. The so-called students who had the effrontery to display such an intimate female part and use language that shocked me should be kicked out of the university. I read this article on my birthday. All I can say for it is I am glad I am going out of this world and not coming in.
Betty Hansford, Oakville, Ont.

It is perhaps helpful to remember that when people get wrapped up in a cause they do not necessarily keep company with reason, rationality, tolerance, respect or facts. This absence of what contributes to a good and healthy society was on display at Waterloo University for Stephen Woodworth’s speech. I assume these unreasonable, irrational, intolerant, disrespectful and misinformed people believe in power and force as the only tools to achieve their goals. This is a sad and dangerous expression of societal dynamics. It implies that society may change not for good reasons but just because of pressure however absurd or unhealthy. Yes, it is good to be reasonable, rational, tolerant and respectful but one must also realize that such attributes need to be accompanied by action and involvement. Goals will be realized just as they will be by simple power but this time they will be healthy. The squeaky wheel gets the …… .!
P.S. Thanks Faye Sonier for this posting and I really liked the; ‘I couldn’t have made it up.’