And again at this. Actually, read it. This is a very fine column by one John Robson. However, it will be much funnier if you watch this first.

And again at this. Actually, read it. This is a very fine column by one John Robson. However, it will be much funnier if you watch this first.
Great article! (But of course, I’m a huge fan of the Old Spice commercials; I watch them over and over and over . . . )
I watched the ad, then the “Making of the ad” clip, then read John Robson’s column. What a superb article! I have been staring at my computer and smiling like a cheshire cat for several minutes — long enough that my husband and children are beginning to get somewhat nervous! 🙂
Well done to the guys in the advertising agency. And well done to John for so effectively using the images of the ad in his article. I LOVE his ending….”I’m on a hobby horse”… With a sharp wit like that, he sounds like a keeper Brigitte. Old Spice or no.