You’ll remember Abby Johnson as the Planned Parenthood employee who crossed the line, becoming publicly pro-life.
She’s written a book about it, called Unplanned. Here’s a review of the book, which I’m also hoping to get a copy of shortly. It’s a sad story, starting with this:
Johnson was raised pro-life, but “if you’d put me up to a debate, I would’ve lost, because it’s something we didn’t discuss a lot.” When facts are fuzzy, they are easily manipulated. Johnson was recruited on her college campus by a nice woman in a hot pink booth” convincing her that “Planned Parenthood’s goal is to make abortion rare, except for women in dire need.” Johnson was finessed on the spot by the slick marketing job. “Her compassion really captured me..We both cared about people… I really wanted to help hurting people. I was glad I’d met this woman.”
For those of us who are pro-life, we should never forget that plenty of people who say they are pro-life don’t know why. The result is that when they are pushed even a little bit, they lose the debate.
(Never fear! ProWomanProLife is here. Seriously, people. Information is power. And we bring it to you, in snappy, post-sized bits.)
Theresa says
You can also get a copy at Catholic Chapter House 🙂