Marie Stopes International (MSI) has opened five outlets in China’s eastern province of Jiangsu. Here the selective abortion of girls has led to a gender imbalance of up to 131 boys for every 100 girls.
The closeness of MSI’s relationship with the Chinese government was shown earlier this month when Li Bin, its population minister, visited the MSI offices in London and an abortion clinic in Bristol.
Plans are under way to set up three more MSI abortion clinics in China. Marie Stopes argues that its influence will help to change Chinese attitudes and promote the notion of women’s choice.
This is released just days after the first abortion ad from Marie Stopes aired in the UK. It seems that MSI is behaving exactly like any business would and expanding its efforts, in the name of “promoting women’s choice”… in China.
Marie Stopes carries out 65,000 abortions a year in Britain, most of them through NHS contracts for which it receives £30m a year. Surplus funds from the NHS work are channelled into the work of the international division.
Here is a link to their Chinese site. I don’t read mandarin, but the images are enough for me. I took special note of the smiling cartoon airplane flying overhead with its banner reading: “HAPPY!” That part, I could read.

In the recent past, CIDA has funded MSI in Tanzania with no conditions.
Now, it looks they are getting “conditional grants”
I think oftentimes I forget that abortion is a business, and people today are making a living by it. Understanding this helps understand the expansion model, too. Follow the money, is that what they say?
I haven’t seen this movie, Blood Money, but it looks interesting:
I’m always curious as to how one monitors a ‘conditional grant’. MSI operates internationally and is funded from numerous governments. If the CIDA says “don’t use our money for abortions, but here’s the money anyway”, what difference does it make? So the CIDA funds go towards something else they were planning, but then doesn’t the money from these other agencies simply get used in its place for those unfunded abortions?
James, thank you very much for the link. I hadn’t heard of the film, but after watching the trailer I’m interested in seeing it. I plan to soon!
At least a bit of press was garnered by the failure of these abortionists to care for the women they “treat”: I thought it was only us prolifers who didn’t care after the fact…
Of , and the words “leading chain of abortion clinics” just send an icy chill down my spine.
I meant “Oh” not “Of” – the effect of typing while nursing… 🙂