Pro-life, pro-choice: Everyone’s going to have something to say about this one:
Greg Bruell and his girlfriend of a year and a half, Sandra Hedrick, had a pact. “We agreed that if we got pregnant, we’d terminate because we were not in a stable family unit,” Hedrick says. Or as Bruell more starkly puts it, “I resumed sexual relations with her on the condition that were birth control to fail, she’d abort without waffling.” “Resumed,” because nine months ear lier Hedrick had conceived a child with Bruell and the couple decided to end that pregnancy. Or rather, he decided, and she went along. Their relationship was too rocky—a series of breakups followed by passionate reunions—for them to become parents together, Bruell argued. Plus, both were still in the process of finalizing divorces, and he was a newly single father struggling to balance his needs against those of his eight-year-old daughter and seven-year-old son. Bruell wanted to steady their destabilized worlds before jumping into fatherhood anew.
I’m surprised Greg Bruell isn’t ashamed to put his name into print. The lead might as well read “I was using this woman for sex, and forced her to promise me I’d never have to take any responsibility for anything.” And the “girlfriend”–why oh why would you go along with this? Prostitution without the pay.
Man. Ruin a perfectly good Sunday and I only made it two paragraphs in. Let me know how it ends if you manage to keep reading.

Interesting article, you should finish it. It ends on a hopeful note.
I agree with Steve you should finish reading it. It is very interesting and it does end on a hopeful note.
Not to mention how this makes his existing children feel about his level of commitment and unconditional love toward them.
I rather liked the article. Seeing the traditional pro-choice arguments used to justify extending abortion rights to men sort of revealed the pro-choice rhetoric for what it really is. Foolishness.
I didn’t read it at all.
Should we really be expecting any kind of condemnation from any pro-choicers at all? A child was killed through abortion (well, more than one, actually), so it doesn’t much matter to them how it happened, they can celebrate.
You have inspired me then. I will keep reading. 🙂
As a Roman Catholic who fully believes the faith I profess every Mass, I don’t see any hope in this article. I see damaged people causing further damage to others and themselves by demanding that each controls every element and circumstance of their lives. I was struck by Mr. Bruell’s statement that he couldn’t put everyone else first, as he “would end up on the bottom.” When life is nothing more than a competition of rugged individuals seeking to master their environment and circumstances rather than to build their characters and love the people around them, you end up with angry, sad and despairing individuals who cannot even see that they are the biggest contributing factor to their loneliness and loss.
What a chilling article. It really shows how when people abandon traditional morality they end up just making it up on the fly. Basically this guy is a selfish prat, but he’s invented his own moral code that says selfishness is okay. I wonder how the little girl will feel when she’s old enough to read and can see just how wanted she really was.
A woman’s right to choose is a man’s right to use.