A quick follow-up on the demonstration at the Governor General’s. There were approximately 400 people there, I’d say. Young, old, women, men–people stretched along the road, with orange-yellow signs with big black print saying “Revoke” and “Disorder of Canada” and the like. Oh polite Canadians–we all moved over to keep the “fire emergency exit” free–and a woman from Silent No More spoke. Clapping at certain critical points. Many cameras there. An elderly gentleman played his bagpipes, which I very much appreciated. Because they are so loud and mournful, which is perhaps the right tone to take. But the whole protest was more mournful than loud. Now it was about 300 degrees with the humidity… but it was all very understated. It was as if we asked, “Might you consider revoking this award, please?”
Then I carried my Revoke sign back to the office with me.
The most passion I heard was in the cab on the way over. Taxi driver says: “Where are you going?” We say “Rideau Hall.” He says “What for?” We say “To protest Morgentaler getting the Order of Canada.” He bursts out and says “How can that murderer get an award! I support you! I’m going to call my wife and tell her to go!”
Andrea updates: Lifesite story here. They are saying 1,000 people came. Which is possible. I have a really hard time estimating these things, especially here, given that people were lining the street.
Véronique adds: I don’t know, Andrea: CBC News said 400, which to me meant that at least 1,000 people must have been there.
Andrea adds: I’m having a moment: I actually agree with the CBC.

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