Sometimes, the cure is worse than the disease. I’m willing to look after myself and take vitamins and supplements, but this is just too much.
In the eternal quest for a fountain of youth, no elixir is beyond the realm of consideration. Thanks to a team of Austrian scientists, human sperm is being touted as the latest age-fighting agent. According to a researcher at Graz University, spermidine, a compound that is found in sperm, guards the cells in flies, worms, yeast, mice and even human blood against damage, thereby slowing the aging process. Worms treated with spermidine lived 15 per cent longer, while fruit flies given the compound outlasted their untreated counterparts by a margin of 30 per cent.

Who comes up with these ideas? *shudder*
That’s going to make quite the pickup line.
So are we meant to consume it, or is an external application just as good? lol