Ezra Levant has the latest… from the free speech point of view.
From my own anti-casual-abortion point of view: I’ll say again (sorry if you’ve read this before; but I am going to say it every chance I get), I object to subjecting unsuspecting bystanders to graphic GAP images without giving them a chance to brace themselves. I challenge everyone to see those graphic and disturbing images [you have been warned], along with Silent Scream – especially pro-choicers, for they should know what it is that they’re defending. But I don’t want to force them to. This said, and given what else goes unchallenged on campus, I consider the treatment of those pro-life students more objectionable than the images in question so I find myself, reluctantly, defending them.
Mary Ann says
I disagree with the blogger.
Until abortion is seen for what it is, it won’t be stopped.
No one is FORCING these these “sheltered” college kids to see these pictures.
What about the Holocaust pictures? Should they too be banned, because some people are too squeamish to face reality?
lwestin says
The SMU students in Halifax had their event, “Echoes of the Holocaust” shut down mid-presentation. They were not out in public view. They had booked a room (through the chaplaincy office, as they’ve not been able to become a ‘club’ yet) and they had a small (25+ ) orderly group.
The problem? The usual group of loud protesters who shows up at every ‘provocation’ (Hello red-haired guy!) were so loud that Jose Ruba,(the co-founder of the Cdn Center for Bio-Ethical Reform) actually had to type on screen the first part of his presentation. The ‘conflict’ officer of the ‘university’ shut the event down , instead of getting the ‘protesters’ to leave. Easier, I guess, but wasn’t the room booked in the appropriate manner? Weren’t they having a quiet meeting of interested parties ? The prolife group had to move off campus to finish their event.
On this youtube video you can here the level of discourse. Not too bright, just loud.