The Guelph University student union bans the pro-life club, because it was “deemed ‘unsafe to women’ due to its promotion of the pro-life message.”
Liberal fascism is an apt term for this sort of thing, seems to me.

The Guelph University student union bans the pro-life club, because it was “deemed ‘unsafe to women’ due to its promotion of the pro-life message.”
Liberal fascism is an apt term for this sort of thing, seems to me.
This quote makes my blood boil:
The CSA claimed that the Fair constituted an “unsafe space” for women due to the “misinformed and/or misleading” information promoted.
We women are such fragile little flowers, aren’t we? Threatened by alleged “misleading” information.
I sit on a lot of “hiring” panels. Finding “new graduates” actually capable of “genuine thinking and thought” is getting very difficult IF employers limit themselves to Canadian university product.
Like the Canadian mainstream media which no longer informs readers about the “news”, Canadians post-secondary institutions abandoned “education” decades ago (with the UofT leading the pack – UofT hasn’t issued a degree worth the paper it’s printed on since about 1988).
Canadian university diplomas enjoy a compromised value on the international market as well, btw. Sometimes, the truth hurts, but the FACT is that Canada has become a laughingstock on the international stage in many areas. Post-secondary education if just one of them…