The discussion continues over at this post . Thank you again to one and all for your thoughtful comments.
Today I’m drawing attention to this.
[The mother] explained to London Bishop Ronald Fabbro in a chance meeting on January 20, 2009 that she was pressured to terminate her pregnancy by 5 doctors at the Catholic hospital and by the hospital ethicist Fr. Michael Prieur, despite the fact that neither her life nor health were in danger.
More commentary from me to follow on the weekend.

Worth listening to this
Palliative Care in Perinatal Medicine as an Alternative Hope to Eugenic Abortion.
Dr. Sylvie de Kermadec
Scientific Committee, Lejeune Foundation, Paris, France
MaterCare International’s 7th International Conference for Catholic and Other Christian/Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Nov 2008
Thank you Andrea for not dropping this very important topic. Thank you for your humility and admitting that you might have got it wrong.
It is certain that this subtle but very clear sign of eugenics can easily be confused with compassion. I know that Fr. Prieur means well, and is looking at the situation as trying to reflect the sanctity of life for infants who might otherwise have their lives terminated in a brutal fashion through dismemberment.
In the same way, it is easy to deny a child born with disabilities from life saving treatment on the basis of compassion. (Who would want to be disabled like that?)
As you reflect on your response, I ask that you please consider the following.
1. Medical publication by leading American MD/EThicists, entitled Lethal Language, Lethal decisions.
2. Videos that show the possibilities for these innocent lives. Whether they live for minutes, days or years. They are beautiful and not without incredible value.
Trisomy 13 lived 35 minutes
Trisomy 18 lived 99 days. (Shown on Oprah a few weeks ago)
Trisomy 18 lived 4.5 years
3. The fact is that these babies prevent in a vast range of manifestations. By giving them a genetic label with associated prognosis and treatment plan (termination before birth or palliative after birth) we deny them their unique individuality. It is pure discrimination to treat the label and not the child.
In this video, the dad of a 7 year old beautiful child with Trisomy 13 describes how the Director of the NICU tried to discreetly withdraw life saving necessities from his newborn so that she would die. He eventually obtained the surgery that she needed after an incredible battle. The video was taken at a conference at Univ of Alberta about eugenics.
4. Of course, you know the tragic story of my daughter Annie who was left to suffocate to death over the course of weeks. The doctors told us they would diagnose “later, if symptoms worsen”. To this day, we don’t know how she died or whether she could be helped. We also don’t know where the lethal quantities of narcotics signed out for her or the final medication report went to.
The coroner and his committee declared that the care was not appropriate and the hospital apologized for communication.