Admittedly, the Bill 34 kerfuffle in Quebec annoyed me. Et voila. The results of an annoyed Andrea and Rebecca, in today’s Post.
Brigitte is laughing her his little head off: Check this out, from Paul Tuns’s excellent blog (I enjoy most everything except the baseball/football stuff, which I do not get at all):
I read the column this morning at home and when I was standing on the subway I noticed a woman sitting near me reading the Post who glanced toward that article, rolled her eyes and turned the page. I should have gone back to reading my magazine but I decided to open my mouth. I said to her that she when she got the chance she should read the “well-written and thought-provoking article on the ‘abortion distortion’,” to which she replied that “Andrea and Renita [sic] are funny names for men.” I corrected her, “Andrea Mrozek and Rebecca Walberg are co-founders of the ProWomanProLife blog.” The woman said they were a front for men or perhaps men using female pseudonyms. I said it was sexist to believe that political views are determined by biology and returned to my Economist. Further discussion would be fruitless.
I suppose now is as good a time to confess as any: I, too, am secretly a man. The name, the long hair, the reasonably feminine features, the inability to understand why adults should care about baseball? That’s just a front.
Andrea/Andrew adds: Why should it matter? Gender is a mere construction anyway, a vestige of the patriarchy. Male/female: Cumbersome and unnecessary distinctions.
On a different note, it was bold of Paul Tuns to engage on the topic with her.
Tanya balks: You’re all dudes? I feel so betrayed. All this time I perceived you both as enthralling, educated, articulate women with a solid foundation for your points of view. And all this time, you were just enthralling, educated, articulate men with a solid foundation for your points of view. I’m outta here!
Rebecca says: Thank you to Paul for defending our honour. This sort of behaviour highlights one of the ugliest aspects of identity politics: reading out members of a group if they don’t toe the party orthodoxy. It’s not enough to dismiss us as mistaken or unconvincing; we are in fact not really women if we don’t support abortion at the drop of a hat.
In the US, where identity politics are even uglier, black conservatives are described as Oreos, black on the outside but white on the inside, and similar epithets exist for other groups, the intent of which is to put unpopular ideas beyond the pale, and thus avoid engaging them seriously.
Meanwhile, of course, the half-white Obama, who was raised by his white grandparents, is the hailed as the soul of African American authenticity …

Please, please, PLEASE send this to the Montreal Gazette!
Thanks, as always, ladies for your intelligent and clear argument. You might also have mentioned that the pro-aborts always raise the spectre of the coat hanger and “back alley” abortions whenever the status quo is threatened. Wasn’t their (implied) concern that women’s health was at risk from the lack of medical standards? How, then, can they argue that abortionists should not be required to meet basic medical standards? They can’t have it both ways. Their audacity is breathtaking!
The government backed down because — surprise, surprise — in the most pro-choice province in the country, it is political suicide to mess with women’s rights. Simple.
I was pleased to see the Post give you a voice. Equal representation for all sides should be available.
“The distortion happens when a perfectly valid study showing poor mental health effects for women after abortion is ignored, or worse still, torn apart as was done with the credible work of New Zealand psychologist David Fergusson. It happens when physical side effects post-abortion are kept under wraps, such as the credible link to subsequent pre-term deliveries after an abortion.”
I have to say, I get tired of hearing aborted women invalidated when they find out the hard way that it wasn’t as simple as they were led to believe.
Totally inspiring. A great, great argument, clearly and well presented. Bravo for your fearless witness!
Time for some gender testing for you all.. just like the South African runner, Caster Semenya.
I expect to hear the results back from you in about 6 weeks.
“The abortion distortion.” in Canada is even more profound than you reported in your recent article posted in National Post.
This âabortion distortionâ extends to wilful neglect by medical colleges all across Canada to check academic credentials of people who are performing abortions in this country.
Perfect example of such wilful neglect is the case of Dr. Henry Morgentaler, who seem to have some very serious difficulties to account for three years of his medical education that he allegedly completed in Europe.
Please read Morgentaler’s updated bio at:
Please read biography of Chava Rosenfarb (Dr. Henry Morgentalerâs first wife) written by Goldie Morgentaler, Dr. Henry Morgentalerâs daughter and published by “Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia” at:
According to Dr. Henry Morgentaler own daughter Goldie, Morgentalerâs family arrived in Canada in 1950, and Dr. Morgentaler âEARNEDâ his medical degree in 1956, and that would make perrfect sense as it takes 6 years of medical studies in order to get such degree.
Why is it than that Dr. Henry Morgentaler claims in all of his submissions to all organisations regulating medcal professions that he graduated from medical school (University of Montreal) in 1953?
See: 29962
I have recently received by snail mail certified copies of some very interesting documents dug up in German Archives. These documents list Dr. Morgentalerâs movements in post WWII Europe and they bear Dr. Morgentalerâs signatures on them. What is Dr. Morgentaler going to do now? Is he going to falsify his Medical Diploma from University of Montreal and change year of his graduation from 1953 to 1956?
Just asking.
In case links exposing Morgentaler stop working
Here are back up links to back up copies
Please send me an email at:
[email protected]
You might wish to have good look at what I got from Germany, re; Dr. Henry Morgertaler.