Let’s just hope Planned Parenthood doesn’t feeling like suing anyone over it. I don’t know anything about Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal, but after reading this article, he’s got my support.
byThe law requires that signs be posted around abortion facilities and include pertinent information about a woman’s rights, including the fact that it is illegal to coerce a woman into getting an abortion, that the child’s father must provide child support, that certain agencies can assist them during and after the pregnancy and that adoptive parents can pay some of the medical costs.
“Women deserve to know their legal rights and the protections already afforded to them under the law,” he said. “We are confident that the more they know, the more they’ll choose life and alternatives to abortion.”
Benjamin Clapper, executive director of Louisiana Right to Life, said a study conducted in 2004 indicated that 64 percent of women who have had an abortion felt they were coerced into making the decision.“Our society promotes the idea that abortion is a free choice, and statistic show completely otherwise,” he said.
Jindal said the new law is a significant step, but that it wouldn’t be the last.
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