It’s an odd sort of feminist activism that calls on women to crochet, knit or sew in 2012. Yes, pro-choicers want you to engage your sewing talents to create plush uteri (my new plural for uterus). This is the response of pro-choicers to the suggestion that a committee discuss when life begins. Quaintly traditional, that. Not that I have a problem with tradition. Heck, I wish I could knit, crochet or sew. It’s a lost art. But if I had that gift, I would not be making female organs.
The debate on Parliament Hill happens tomorrow. Read about that, here.
Mariette Ulrich says
That is downright bizarre. Most of us (under 50) can’t do any of the above, because feminism taught us for the last 4 decades that it wasn’t cool to do girly things like that.
Jennifer says
As a frequent Pinterest user, I too long for the skills of sewing and knitting!
Monika says
Not a lost art, so much as a reemerging art…I know at least a dozen of my friends in the late 20s/early 30s crowd that knit or crochet regularly (though not myself)…it’s very hip.