It will be fun to see if any radical pro-choicer has the gall to denounce this piece of legislation:
OKLAHOMA CITY — A bill in the Oklahoma Legislature would allow pregnant women to use deadly force in order to save the lives of their babies.
Oklahoma already has a law allowing a person to use force to protect himself or another person from someone else. The new bill includes an unborn child as “another” person. Oklahoma has also had a law covering the murder of unborn babies since 2005.
I believe anyone has the right to use force, including the deadly kind, when and where necessary to defend one’s own life or the life of someone else, born or not. So while I may find this law somewhat redundant, I’m in favour of it. But what of the folks who hate the thought of recognizing unborn victims (actual or potential) of violence, because it might lead people to reconsider their position on abortion? What of those who fear granting a fetus even the most basic rights because they see it as a slippery slope towards restricting access to abortion? Are they going to say pregnant women have no right to use force to defend themselves if and when attacked?

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