My apologies, people! I’m terribly self-centered! Natalie did a FANTASTIC job last night under difficult conditions (I personally think as someone who has done a lot of media that speaking to a reporter in the lobby of the House of Commons is about as nerve-wracking as it gets) so please return to this link and watch her. There are a bunch of links to the right of the video box but they are labelled clearly.
While I hope the Woodworth motion passes, every time the question comes up we win. That’s my take on it. Win or lose, we win. And the other side knows that. Yesterday was a bad day for them.
I’d actually, in spite of the ever present bias in favour of the pro-choice side, like to thank CTV for taking the issue on in a thorough manner. Bias against us is one step up from ignoring the issue. The wisdom, yes, wisdom!, of Saturday Night Live is always with me (“we have hit rock bottom, there is nowhere to go but up!”–Two wild and crazy Czechoslovakian brothers) so be of good cheer.
Filing under “women’s rights” because as everyone who reads this site knows, abortion does not confer rights or strength on women, but rather is degrading, hopeless and hurtful.

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