Protests were organized across the country yesterday in opposition to Bill C-484. For a solid week, abortion advocates were spreading the word, rallying people together, calling it a national day of action.
Nearly 100 people gathered in [Edmonton] Saturday to protest a proposed law they say poses a direct threat to women’s reproductive rights in Canada…
Similar protests were held in Ottawa and Fredericton, N.B.
Radio-Can reports more than 50 people gathered in Ottawa. (Hey, that’s the same amount of redheads that showed up to pretend-protest the Wendy’s logo!)
As of yet, I’ve been unable to find any news coverage on the Fredericton protest, but the Facebook Event had 70 confirmed RSVP’s.
So, what, shall we say 300 people at most participated? I didn’t realize one one-hundred-thousandth of the population constituted a ‘national’ anything.
Brigitte adds: I spent yesterday exploring the streets of downtown Winnipeg (and the closed shops – this is one dead town on weekends) and can report, with a reasonable degree of certainty, that approximately zero people protested C-484 – or anything else for that matter. Perhaps because it was soooo dashed cold…
Andrea adds: “Hey hey! Ho Ho! Wendy’s logo has got to go!” That YouTube clip is powerful, Tanya, and reminds me that discrimination is everywhere, all around me, all the time. If I would only look harder.

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