It’s astounding the number of women who consider abortion in favour of their romantic relationship. A woman is often put in a position where she feels she must choose between her boyfriend or her baby. Some men may even be heard uttering, “What? You’re choosing this baby over me?”
This recent — and very relevant — study published by the peer-reviewed journal Public Health suggests:
When a woman gets an abortion, the couple is more than twice as likely to argue when discussing future children, and nearly three times as likely to experience domestic violence, compared with women who carry the pregnancy to term and raise the child.
So, dude, it turns out that, if she’s choosing the baby, she is choosing you, too. Suck it up. You’ll make a great dad.
Julie Culshaw says
The woman who runs the crisis pregnancy centre here in my city, stated that every girl who has an abortion loses her boyfriend too. So the very reason she has the abortion, to keep the boyfriend, doesn’t work, and she ends up with no one eventually.
I don’t see how a relationship could last, given the emotions the woman will feel, the tremendous guilt over ending her child’s life, and knowing that somehow the guy was part of the reason for that death. The amount of resentment must be great, even if not acknowledged.
Amy says
I’d be very reluctant to say that abortion causes relationship problems, but it’s certainly related. Being involved in an already rocky or abusive relationship is a big motivation for getting an abortion.
Reid says
I don’t know, perhaps the results are skewed because the subjects of the study self-selected themselves to get an abortion because they knew that their boyfriends wouldn’t make good fathers or partners.
Rebecca says
“I don’t know, perhaps the results are skewed because the subjects of the study self-selected themselves to get an abortion because they knew that their boyfriends wouldn’t make good fathers or partners.”
That’s a good point – or, perhaps relationships in which the guy pressures the girl to get an abortion are doomed relationships anyway.
Nonetheless, the idea that an abortion can preserve or improve the relationship between the prospective mother and father is widespread, for all that it seems (to most of us here, anyway) ridiculous. So this is a valuable study if it gets people to rethink this assumption.
El says
I’ve always thought that if you didn’t want to keep a man’s child, you probably didn’t want to keep the man either. If the man were a keeper, wouldn’t his baby also be a keeper, no matter the timing? It’s cruel toward the man too, leaving out the ones who push for an abortion (although a good number of them no doubt regret having done that too).
Robert says
Thats nonsense. I dont know a single guy who would advocate their GF have an abortion or they lose them. This may happen with couples under the age of 18 but you really have to give people of both sexes a bit more credit rather than sweeping generalizations. Your thinly veiled “blame the men” is typical to be honest.
Women have more rights than men, you can do what you like with whom you like, and you can take the life of another human, or humans as longs as their incubating inside of you. No man in the western world has a say on the matter of a womans abortion and no man in the western world has such power over another persons life. When you really think about that power of being able to give or deny life it really puts it in to perspective. (well for me it does) Now were talking really big power there.
Anyway, I just wanted to call you out on that one. men have moved on and have got the message for many years now. It just doesnt help if your going to continue perpetrating a stereotypical and outdated view.
Amy says
Women have more rights than men
I stopped reading after that bit of misogynistic nonsense.