Press Release:
It’s been almost one hundred years since the infamous Person’s Case in Canada that inspired the simple headline: Women are Persons. That case reminds us that too often it takes a long time to correct bad law. Waiting for the Supreme Court in the United States to release their final decision about Roe v. Wade caused three Canadian women to consider how long overdue, it is that this bad law be overturned. Three unaffiliated women, Jakki Jeffs, Executive Director of Alliance for Life Ontario, Tabitha Ewert, Legal Counsel for We Need A Law, and Andrea Mrozek, Senior Fellow at Cardus and creator of led the charge to make it clear that pro-life women exist en masse in Canada and we want our voices to be heard.
We decided to aim for an initial one hundred women to sign our statement on why it is encouraging that Roe v Wade be overturned. While this is an American decision with no bearing on Canadian law, we are aware that this decision will be discussed in Canada. We await the day that no living person be denied personhood, born or preborn, male or female and every pregnant woman has access to life affirming help in her community.
One hundred women signed easily and quickly. Sailing through that goal we now go public seeking a thousand and then a hundred thousand signatures of women across Canada, unaffiliated but for the purpose of saying we unabashedly applaud the overturning of Roe v Wade.
“It’s emotional for me. For so many women, who feel underrepresented in the public square, the fall of Roe is deeply significant and encouraging,” said Andrea Mrozek. “While there remains a long way to go in making abortion unthinkable, this is a very encouraging step, and long overdue, Women deserve way better than abortion,” said Jakki Jeffs. “Roe was very bad law, based on a fabricated right to privacy,” said Tabitha Ewert. “On that basis alone, it could not stand, and the court was right to overturn it,” she added.
It is the hope of this limited coalition that the voices of pro-life women would be heard. Other women who wish to sign on can do so by going here.
We are non-religious, non-partisan and non-sectarian and stand united in opposition to abortion. One hundred women, seeking personhood, for all, so that one hundred years from the personhood case, the voices of all, with or without power in the world, might be heard.
Andrea Mrozek – 613.241.4500 ext..503
Tabitha Ewert – 604 220 1258
Jakki Jeffs – 519 820 3399 (cell) 519 821 9604 (office)

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